OpenQASM Include

It is neither possible nor desirable to include all the contents and dependencies for running a program to be present in the same file. Dividing the contents of a program into files helps in achieving modularity in the source code. Therefore, many programming languages provide a feature for being able to access the contents of other files into a different file. OpenQASM also provides this feature through its include keyword. In this chapter of the OpenQASM tutorial, you will be learning about how you can access the contents of a different file in a OpenQASM file by using the include keyword.

Include Statement

The include statement parses the contents of a file as if they were the contents of the same file.

The following syntax is used for parsing a file filename.ext inside another file-

include "filename.ext";


Consider the following file with the name headerfile

statement 1;
statement 2;

and another file myprogram

include "headerfile"
statement 3;
statement 4;

The include statement in myprogram file will parse the contents of headerfile as if they were they were copied in-place of the include statement.

Therefore, the statements will be executed in the following order-

statement 1;
statement 2;
statement 3;
statement 4;

Note– If the file to be included is not present in the same folder, then the complete path of the file to be specified relative to the current working directory. File is a OpenQASM file that contains definitions of many standard single and multiple Qubit Quantum Gates. It is therefore important to include this file before writing a Quantum Program. The file can be included by using the following syntax-

include ""

Learn More about file