Qiskit Tutorial

Qiskit Tutorial

In this Qiskit tutorial, you will be given an introduction to both Quantum Computing and Qiskit. This tutorial will teach you get you started with the very basics of Quantum Computing- Qubits and how they are different from their classical counterparts- bits. You will learn about various phenomenon of Quantum Computing such as Superposition and Entanglement. The tutorial will also cover various Single and Multi Qubit Gates along with their application to a Qubit in Qiskit. You will learn how to create Quantum Circuits and create Quantum Programs by using Qiskit. You will learn how to run these Quantum Programs on Quantum Simulators and measure the results. Additionally, visualization of circuits and results will also be covered in this tutorial. Later in the tutorial, you will also learn how to run your Quantum Program on a real Quantum Computer provided by IBM in the cloud. All of this and much more will be covered as a part of this Qiskit Tutorial which aims to teach you both, Quantum Computing and Qiskit from scratch.


This Qiskit tutorial is prepared for individuals who are just getting started in the field of Quantum Computing. This tutorial has been designed to take you from scratch to a moderately advanced level in the field of Quantum Computing from where you will be able to grasp much more sophisticated concepts yourself. This tutorial will also make you proficient with using Qiskit.


This Qiskit tutorial series is designed to get you started with both Quantum Computing and Qiskit. Therefore, no prior knowledge of either Quantum Computing or Qiskit is required to follow along with this Qiskit tutorial. However, prior knowledge of Linear Algebra, Matrices, Matrix Multiplication, Vectors, and other basic mathematical concepts is necessary to follow along with this tutorial. Additionally, a basic understanding of Python programming language is also necessary.